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Configuring Media Library options

Use the Media Library tab to set access rights for installed applications and Internet sites.

To access the Media Library tab

You may want to make your media library accessible if you want other applications or Internet sites to automatically add information to it.

Allowing another application, such as a jukebox, read-only access or full access to your media library could be useful if you don’t want to have to re-enter all the data from your media library in the other application.

There are three types of rights: none, read-only, and full.

Note   If you allow Internet sites read-only or full access rights to your media library, you are allowing the Internet site owners to gather information about your audio and video preferences.

No access

Specifies that applications or Internet sites cannot access playlists or files. No access is the default for Internet sites.

Read-only access

Specifies that applications or Internet sites can read the playlists and play the files. Read-only access is the default for applications.

Full access

Specifies that applications or Internet sites can edit the playlists and modify entries in Media Library.

In addition to setting access rights, you can use the Media Library tab to add music that you purchase on the Internet to your media library.

Automatically add purchased music to my library

Specifies whether to add licensed audio files downloaded from the Internet to Media Library. The default setting is to add these files to Media Library, which keeps you from having to add them to Media Library later.

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